SEI CERT C Coding Standard - Guidelines 48. Miscellaneous (MSC)

A category in the Common Weakness Enumeration published by The MITRE Corporation.


Categories in the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) group entries based on some common characteristic or attribute.

Weaknesses in this category are related to the rules and recommendations in the Miscellaneous (MSC) section of the SEI CERT C Coding Standard.


Insufficient Entropy

The product uses an algorithm or scheme that produces insufficient entropy, leaving patterns or clusters of values that are more likely to occur than others.

Reliance on Undefined, Unspecified, or Implementation-Defined Behavior

The product uses an API function, data structure, or other entity in a way that relies on properties that are not always guaranteed to hold for that entity.

Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm

The product uses a broken or risky cryptographic algorithm or protocol.

Use of Cryptographically Weak Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG)

The product uses a Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) in a security context, but the PRNG's algorithm is not cryptographically strong.

Use of Insufficiently Random Values

The product uses insufficiently random numbers or values in a security context that depends on unpredictable numbers.

Use of Potentially Dangerous Function

The product invokes a potentially dangerous function that could introduce a vulnerability if it is used incorrectly, but the function can also be used safely.


Weaknesses Addressed by the SEI CERT C Coding Standard

CWE entries in this view (graph) are fully or partially eliminated by following the guidance presented in the online wiki that reflects that current rules and recommen...

See Also

  1. SEI CERT C Coding Standard : Rule 48. Miscellaneous (MSC)

    The Software Engineering Institute

  2. SEI CERT C Coding Standard : Rec 48. Miscellaneous (MSC)

    The Software Engineering Institute

Common Weakness Enumeration content on this website is copyright of The MITRE Corporation unless otherwise specified. Use of the Common Weakness Enumeration and the associated references on this website are subject to the Terms of Use as specified by The MITRE Corporation.