Free of Memory not on the Heap

The product calls free() on a pointer to memory that was not allocated using associated heap allocation functions such as malloc(), calloc(), or realloc().


When free() is called on an invalid pointer, the program's memory management data structures may become corrupted. This corruption can cause the program to crash or, in some circumstances, an attacker may be able to cause free() to operate on controllable memory locations to modify critical program variables or execute code.


The following examples help to illustrate the nature of this weakness and describe methods or techniques which can be used to mitigate the risk.

Note that the examples here are by no means exhaustive and any given weakness may have many subtle varieties, each of which may require different detection methods or runtime controls.

Example One

In this example, an array of record_t structs, bar, is allocated automatically on the stack as a local variable and the programmer attempts to call free() on the array. The consequences will vary based on the implementation of free(), but it will not succeed in deallocating the memory.

void foo(){

  record_t bar[MAX_SIZE];

  /* do something interesting with bar */



This example shows the array allocated globally, as part of the data segment of memory and the programmer attempts to call free() on the array.

record_t bar[MAX_SIZE]; //Global var
void foo(){

  /* do something interesting with bar */


Instead, if the programmer wanted to dynamically manage the memory, malloc() or calloc() should have been used.

void foo(){

  record_t *bar = (record_t*)malloc(MAX_SIZE*sizeof(record_t));

  /* do something interesting with bar */



Additionally, you can pass global variables to free() when they are pointers to dynamically allocated memory.

record_t *bar; //Global var
void foo(){

  bar = (record_t*)malloc(MAX_SIZE*sizeof(record_t));

  /* do something interesting with bar */



See Also

Comprehensive Categorization: Memory Safety

Weaknesses in this category are related to memory safety.

SEI CERT C Coding Standard - Guidelines 51. Microsoft Windows (WIN)

Weaknesses in this category are related to the rules and recommendations in the Microsoft Windows (WIN) section of the SEI CERT C Coding Standard.

SEI CERT C Coding Standard - Guidelines 08. Memory Management (MEM)

Weaknesses in this category are related to the rules and recommendations in the Memory Management (MEM) section of the SEI CERT C Coding Standard.

Comprehensive CWE Dictionary

This view (slice) covers all the elements in CWE.

Weaknesses Introduced During Implementation

This view (slice) lists weaknesses that can be introduced during implementation.

Common Weakness Enumeration content on this website is copyright of The MITRE Corporation unless otherwise specified. Use of the Common Weakness Enumeration and the associated references on this website are subject to the Terms of Use as specified by The MITRE Corporation.